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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autore(i) File
Biodiversity of epiphytic lichens and heavy metal contents of Flavoparmelia caperata thalli as indicators of temporal variations of air pollution in the town of Montecatini Terme (central Italy) 1-gen-2004 Loppi, S; Fratti, L; Paoli, L; Bigagli, V; Rossetti, Carlo; Bruscoli, C; Corsini, A.
Combined effect of a neonicotinoid insecticide and a fungicide on honeybee gut epithelium and microbiota, adult survival, colony strength and foraging preferences 1-gen-2023 Favaro, Riccardo; Garrido, Paula Melisa; Bruno, Daniele; Braglia, Chiara; Alberoni, Daniele; Baffoni, Loredana; Tettamanti, Gianluca; Porrini, Martin Pablo; Di Gioia, Diana; Angeli, Sergio
Comparing measured and predicted PCB concentrations in Arctic seawater and marine biota 1-gen-2005 Borgaa, Katrine; DI GUARDO, Antonio
Concentrations and trophic interactions of novel brominated flame retardants, HBCD, and PBDEs in zooplankton and fish from Lake Maggiore (Northern Italy) 1-gen-2014 Poma, G.; Volta, P.; Roscioli, C.; Bettinetti, Roberta; Guzzella, L.
Developmental toxicity, uptake and distribution of sodium chromate assayed by frog embryo teratogenesis assay-Xenopus(FETAX) 1-gen-2009 Bosisio, S.; Fortaner, S.; Bellinetto, S.; Farina, M.; Del Torchio, R.; Prati, Mariangela; Gornati, Rosalba; Bernardini, GIOVANNI BATTISTA; Sabbioni, E.
Enabling forecasts of environmental exposure to chemicals in European agriculture under global change 1-gen-2022 Hader, John D; Lane, Taylor; Boxall, Alistair B A; Macleod, Matthew; Di Guardo, Antonio
Environmental and biological monitoring of personal exposure to air pollutants of adult people living in a metropolitan area 1-gen-2021 Cattaneo, Andrea; Campo, Laura; Iodice, Simona; Spinazzè, Andrea; Olgiati, Luca; Borghi, Francesca; Polledri, Elisa; Angelici, Laura; Cavallo, Domenico Maria; Fustinoni, Silvia; Bollati, Valentina
Estimating temporal and spatial levels of PAHs in air using rain samples and SPME analysis: Feasibility evaluation in an urban scenario 1-gen-2021 Terzaghi, E.; Falakdin, P.; Fattore, E.; Di Guardo, A.
European environmental scenarios of chemical bioavailability in freshwater systems 1-gen-2017 DI GUARDO, Antonio; Morselli, Melissa; Morabito, Giuseppe; Semplice, Matteo; Van den Brink, Paul J.; De Laender, Frederik
Evaluating the impact of a fluoropolymer plant on a river macrobenthic community by a combined chemical, ecological and genetic approach 1-gen-2015 Rusconi, M.; Marziali, L.; Stefani, F.; Valsecchi, S.; Bettinetti, Roberta; Mazzoni, M.; Rosignoli, F.; Polesello, S.
Evaluating the temporal variability of concentrations of POPs in a glacier-fed stream food chain using a combined modeling approach 1-gen-2014 Morselli, Melissa; Semplice, Matteo; Villa, Sara; DI GUARDO, Antonio
First concurrent assessment of elemental- and organic-contaminant loads in skin biopsies of whale sharks from Djibouti 1-gen-2020 Boldrocchi, G.; Monticelli, D.; Butti, L. Omar M.; Bettinetti, R
First results on zooplankton community composition and contamination by some persistent organic pollutants in the Gulf of Tadjoura (Djibouti) 1-gen-2018 Boldrocchi, Ginevra; Moussa Omar, Y.; Rowat, D.; Bettinetti, R.
Higher health effects of ambient particles during the warm season: The role of infiltration factors 1-gen-2018 Zauli-Sajani, Stefano; Rovelli, Sabrina; Trentini, Arianna; Bacco, Dimitri; Marchesi, Stefano; Scotto, Fabiana; Zigola, Claudia; Lauriola, Paolo; Cavallo, Domenico Maria; Poluzzi, Vanes; Cattaneo, Andrea; Hänninen, Otto
How good are the predictions of mobility of aged polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in soil? Insights from a soil column experiment 1-gen-2018 Vitale, Chiara Maria; Terzaghi, Elisa; Zati, Dario; Di Guardo, Antonio
Identifying priority sites for whale shark ship collision management globally 1-gen-2024 Womersley, F. C.; Rohner, C. A.; Abrantes, K.; Afonso, P.; Arunrugstichai, S.; Bach, S. S.; Bar, S.; Barash, A.; Barnes, P.; Barnett, A.; Boldrocchi, G.; Buffat, N.; Canon, T.; Perez, C. C.; Chuangcharoendee, M.; Cochran, J. E. M.; de la Parra, R.; Diamant, S.; Driggers, W.; Dudgeon, C. L.; Erdmann, M. V.; Fitzpatrick, R.; Flam, A.; Fontes, J.; Francis, G.; Galvan, B. E.; Graham, R. T.; Green, S. M.; Green, J. R.; Grosmark, Y.; Guzman, H. M.; Hardenstine, R. S.; Harvey, M.; Harvey-Carroll, J.; Hasan, A. W.; Hearn, A. R.; Hendon, J. M.; Putra, M. I. H.; Himawan, M. R.; Hoffmayer, E.; Holmberg, J.; Hsu, H. H.; Jaidah, M. Y.; Jansen, A.; Judd, C.; Kuguru, B.; Lester, E.; Macena, B. C. L.; Magson, K.; Maguiño, R.; Manjaji-Matsumoto, M.; Marcoux, S. D.; Marcoux, T.; Mckinney, J.; Meekan, M.; Mendoza, A.; Moazzam, M.; Monacella, E.; Norman, B.; Perry, C.; Pierce, S.; Prebble, C.; Macías, D. R.; Raudino, H.; Reynolds, S.; Robinson, D.; Rowat, D.; Santos, M. D.; Schmidt, J.; Scott, C.; See, S. T.; Sianipar, A.; Speed, C. W.; Syakurachman, I.; Tyne, J. A.; Waples, K.; Winn, C.; Yuneni, R. R.; Zareer, I.; Araujo, G.
Impact of polypropylene microplastics and chemical pollutants on European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) gut microbiota and health 1-gen-2022 Montero, D; Rimoldi, S; Torrecillas, S; Jorge Rapp, J; Moroni, F; Herrera, A; Gómez, M; Fernández-Montero, Á; Terova, G.
Importance of environmental and biomass dynamics in predicting chemical exposure in ecological risk assessment 1-gen-2015 Morselli, Melissa; Semplice, Matteo; De Laender, Frederik; Van den Brink, Paul J.; DI GUARDO, Antonio
Indoor air pollution, physical and comfort parameters related to schoolchildren's health: Data from the European SINPHONIE study 1-gen-2020 Baloch, R. M.; Maesano, C. N.; Christoffersen, J.; Banerjee, S.; Gabriel, M.; Csobod, E.; de Oliveira Fernandes, E.; Annesi-Maesano, I.; Szuppinger, P.; Prokai, R.; Farkas, P.; Fuzi, C.; Cani, E.; Draganic, J.; Mogyorosy, E. R.; Korac, Z.; Ventura, G.; Madureira, J.; Paciencia, I.; Martins, A.; Pereira, R.; Ramos, E.; Rudnai, P.; Paldy, A.; Dura, G.; Beregszaszi, T.; Vaskovi, E.; Magyar, D.; Pandics, T.; Remeny-Nagy, Z.; Szentmihalyi, R.; Udvardy, O.; Varro, M. J.; Kephalopoulos, S.; Kotzias, D.; Barrero-Moreno, J.; Mehmeti, R.; Vilic, A.; Maestro, D.; Moshammer, H.; Strasser, G.; Brigitte, P.; Hohenblum, P.; Goelen, E.; Stranger, M.; Spruy, M.; Sidjimov, M.; Hadjipanayis, A.; Katsonouri-Sazeides, A.; Demetriou, E.; Kubinova, R.; Kazmarova, H.; Dlouha, B.; Kotlik, B.; Vabar, H.; Ruut, J.; Metus, M.; Rand, K.; Jarviste, A.; Nevalainen, A.; Hyvarinen, A.; Taubel, M.; Jarvi, K.; Mandin, C.; Berthineau, B.; Moriske, H. -J.; Giacomini, M.; Neumann, A.; Bartzis, J.; Kalimeri, K.; Saraga, D.; Santamouris, M.; Assimakopoulos, M. N.; Asimakopoulos, V.; Carrer, P.; Cattaneo, A.; Pulvirenti, S.; Vercelli, F.; Strangi, F.; Omeri, E.; Piazza, S.; D'Alcamo, A.; Fanetti, A. C.; Sestini, P.; Kouri, M.; Viegi, G.; Baldacci, S.; Maio, S.; Franzitta, V.; Bucchieri, S.; Cibella, F.; Neri, M.; Martuzevicius, D.; Krugly, E.; Montefort, S.; Fsadni, P.; Brewczynski, P. Z.; Krakowiak, E.; Kurek, J.; Kubarek, E.; Wlazlo, A.; Borrego, C.; Alves, C.; Valente, J.; Gurzau, E.; Rosu, C.; Popita, G.; Neamtiu, I.; Neagu, C.; Norback, D.; Bluyssen, P.; Bohms, M.; Van Den Hazel, P.; Cassee, F.; de Bruin, Y. B.; Bartonova, A.; Yang, A.; Halzlova, K.; Jajcaj, M.; Kanikova, M.; Miklankova, O.; Vitkiva, M.; Jovsevic-Stojanovic, M.; Zivkovic, M.; Stevanovic, Z.; Lazovic, I.; Stevanovic, Z.; Zivkovic, Z.; Cerovic, S.; Jocic-Stojanovic, J.; Mumovic, D.; Tarttelin, P.; Chatzidiakou, L.; Chatzidiakou, E.; Dewolf, M. -C.
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