Identifying priority sites for whale shark ship collision management globally
2024-01-01 Womersley, F. C.; Rohner, C. A.; Abrantes, K.; Afonso, P.; Arunrugstichai, S.; Bach, S. S.; Bar, S.; Barash, A.; Barnes, P.; Barnett, A.; Boldrocchi, G.; Buffat, N.; Canon, T.; Perez, C. C.; Chuangcharoendee, M.; Cochran, J. E. M.; de la Parra, R.; Diamant, S.; Driggers, W.; Dudgeon, C. L.; Erdmann, M. V.; Fitzpatrick, R.; Flam, A.; Fontes, J.; Francis, G.; Galvan, B. E.; Graham, R. T.; Green, S. M.; Green, J. R.; Grosmark, Y.; Guzman, H. M.; Hardenstine, R. S.; Harvey, M.; Harvey-Carroll, J.; Hasan, A. W.; Hearn, A. R.; Hendon, J. M.; Putra, M. I. H.; Himawan, M. R.; Hoffmayer, E.; Holmberg, J.; Hsu, H. H.; Jaidah, M. Y.; Jansen, A.; Judd, C.; Kuguru, B.; Lester, E.; Macena, B. C. L.; Magson, K.; Maguiño, R.; Manjaji-Matsumoto, M.; Marcoux, S. D.; Marcoux, T.; Mckinney, J.; Meekan, M.; Mendoza, A.; Moazzam, M.; Monacella, E.; Norman, B.; Perry, C.; Pierce, S.; Prebble, C.; Macías, D. R.; Raudino, H.; Reynolds, S.; Robinson, D.; Rowat, D.; Santos, M. D.; Schmidt, J.; Scott, C.; See, S. T.; Sianipar, A.; Speed, C. W.; Syakurachman, I.; Tyne, J. A.; Waples, K.; Winn, C.; Yuneni, R. R.; Zareer, I.; Araujo, G.
Impact of polypropylene microplastics and chemical pollutants on European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) gut microbiota and health
2022-01-01 Montero, D; Rimoldi, S; Torrecillas, S; Jorge Rapp, J; Moroni, F; Herrera, A; Gómez, M; Fernández-Montero, Á; Terova, G.
Importance of environmental and biomass dynamics in predicting chemical exposure in ecological risk assessment
2015-01-01 Morselli, Melissa; Semplice, Matteo; De Laender, Frederik; Van den Brink, Paul J.; DI GUARDO, Antonio
Indoor air pollution, physical and comfort parameters related to schoolchildren's health: Data from the European SINPHONIE study
2020-01-01 Baloch, R. M.; Maesano, C. N.; Christoffersen, J.; Banerjee, S.; Gabriel, M.; Csobod, E.; de Oliveira Fernandes, E.; Annesi-Maesano, I.; Szuppinger, P.; Prokai, R.; Farkas, P.; Fuzi, C.; Cani, E.; Draganic, J.; Mogyorosy, E. R.; Korac, Z.; Ventura, G.; Madureira, J.; Paciencia, I.; Martins, A.; Pereira, R.; Ramos, E.; Rudnai, P.; Paldy, A.; Dura, G.; Beregszaszi, T.; Vaskovi, E.; Magyar, D.; Pandics, T.; Remeny-Nagy, Z.; Szentmihalyi, R.; Udvardy, O.; Varro, M. J.; Kephalopoulos, S.; Kotzias, D.; Barrero-Moreno, J.; Mehmeti, R.; Vilic, A.; Maestro, D.; Moshammer, H.; Strasser, G.; Brigitte, P.; Hohenblum, P.; Goelen, E.; Stranger, M.; Spruy, M.; Sidjimov, M.; Hadjipanayis, A.; Katsonouri-Sazeides, A.; Demetriou, E.; Kubinova, R.; Kazmarova, H.; Dlouha, B.; Kotlik, B.; Vabar, H.; Ruut, J.; Metus, M.; Rand, K.; Jarviste, A.; Nevalainen, A.; Hyvarinen, A.; Taubel, M.; Jarvi, K.; Mandin, C.; Berthineau, B.; Moriske, H. -J.; Giacomini, M.; Neumann, A.; Bartzis, J.; Kalimeri, K.; Saraga, D.; Santamouris, M.; Assimakopoulos, M. N.; Asimakopoulos, V.; Carrer, P.; Cattaneo, A.; Pulvirenti, S.; Vercelli, F.; Strangi, F.; Omeri, E.; Piazza, S.; D'Alcamo, A.; Fanetti, A. C.; Sestini, P.; Kouri, M.; Viegi, G.; Baldacci, S.; Maio, S.; Franzitta, V.; Bucchieri, S.; Cibella, F.; Neri, M.; Martuzevicius, D.; Krugly, E.; Montefort, S.; Fsadni, P.; Brewczynski, P. Z.; Krakowiak, E.; Kurek, J.; Kubarek, E.; Wlazlo, A.; Borrego, C.; Alves, C.; Valente, J.; Gurzau, E.; Rosu, C.; Popita, G.; Neamtiu, I.; Neagu, C.; Norback, D.; Bluyssen, P.; Bohms, M.; Van Den Hazel, P.; Cassee, F.; de Bruin, Y. B.; Bartonova, A.; Yang, A.; Halzlova, K.; Jajcaj, M.; Kanikova, M.; Miklankova, O.; Vitkiva, M.; Jovsevic-Stojanovic, M.; Zivkovic, M.; Stevanovic, Z.; Lazovic, I.; Stevanovic, Z.; Zivkovic, Z.; Cerovic, S.; Jocic-Stojanovic, J.; Mumovic, D.; Tarttelin, P.; Chatzidiakou, L.; Chatzidiakou, E.; Dewolf, M. -C.
Integration of a dynamic organism model into the DynA Model: Development and application to the case of DDT in Lake Maggiore, Italy
2013-01-01 Infantino, Alfonso; Morselli, Melissa; DI GUARDO, Antonio
Lethality, teratogenicity and growth inhibition of heptanol in Xenopus assayed by a modified FETAX procedure
1994-01-01 Bernardini, GIOVANNI BATTISTA; Vismara, C.; Boracchi, P.; Camatini, M.
Lockdown for CoViD-2019 in Milan: what are the effects on air quality?
2020-01-01 Collivignarelli, M. C.; Abba, A.; Bertanza, G.; Pedrazzani, R.; Ricciardi, P.; Carnevale Miino, M.
Maldives: an archipelago that burns. A first survey of PCDD/Fs and DL-PCBs from human activities
2014-01-01 Colombo, A.; Bettinetti, Roberta; Strona, G.; Cambria, F.; Fanelli, R.; Zubair, Z.; Galli, P.
Metabolic biotransformation half-lives in fish: QSAR modeling and consensus analysis
2014-01-01 Papa, Ester; van der Wal, L.; Arnot, J. A.; Gramatica, Paola
Microbial activity in alpine soils under climate change
2021-01-01 D'Alo, F.; Odriozola, I.; Baldrian, P.; Zucconi, L.; Ripa, C.; Cannone, N.; Malfasi, F.; Brancaleoni, L.; Onofri, S.
Microbial degradation of pyrene in holm oak (Quercus ilex) phyllosphere: Role of particulate matter in regulating bioaccessibility
2021-01-01 Terzaghi, E.; Posada-Baquero, R.; Di Guardo, A.; Ortega-Calvo, J. -J.
Microplastics removal in wastewater treatment plants: A review of the different approaches to limit their release in the environment
2024-01-01 Carnevale Miino, Marco; Galafassi, Silvia; Zullo, Rosa; Torretta, Vincenzo; Rada, Elena Cristina
Modelling micropollutant cycle in Lake Como in a winter scenario: Implications for water use and reuse, ecosystem services, and the EU zero pollution action plan
2024-01-01 Di Guardo, A.; Castiglioni, S.; Gambino, I.; Sailis, A.; Salmoiraghi, G.; Schiarea, S.; Vighi, M.; Terzaghi, E.
Municipal solid waste management during the SARS-COV-2 outbreak and lockdown ease: Lessons from Italy
2020-01-01 Ragazzi, M.; Rada, E. C.; Schiavon, M.
A new dataset of PCB half-lives in soil: Effect of plant species and organic carbon addition on biodegradation rates in a weathered contaminated soil
2021-01-01 Terzaghi, E.; Alberti, E.; Raspa, G.; Zanardini, E.; Morosini, C.; Anelli, S.; Armiraglio, S.; Di Guardo, A.
PCB vertical and horizontal movement in agricultural soils of a highly contaminated site: Role of soil properties, cultivation history and PCB physico-chemical parameters
2020-01-01 Di Guardo, A.; Raspa, G.; Terzaghi, E.; Vergani, L.; Mapelli, F.; Borin, S.; Zanardini, E.; Morosini, C.; Anelli, S.; Nastasio, P.; Sale, V. M.; Armiraglio, S.
Perfluoroalkyl acids in fish of Italian deep lakes: Environmental and human risk assessment
2019-01-01 Mazzoni, Michela; Buffo, Angela; Cappelli, Francesca; Pascariello, Simona; Polesello, Stefano; Valsecchi, Sara; Volta, Pietro; Bettinetti, Roberta
Pharmaceutical and narcotics monitoring in Brno wastewater system and estimation of seasonal effect on the abuse of illicit drugs by a wastewater-based epidemiology approach
2023-01-01 Carnevale Miino, M.; Macsek, T.; Halešová, T.; Chorazy, T.; Hlavínek, P.
Physiological stress response to urbanisation differs between native and invasive squirrel species
2024-01-01 Santicchia, F.; Tranquillo, C.; Wauters, L. A.; Palme, R.; Panzeri, M.; Preatoni, D.; Bisi, F.; Martinoli, A.
Phyto-rhizoremediation of polychlorinated biphenyl contaminated soils: An outlook on plant-microbe beneficial interactions
2017-01-01 Vergani, Lorenzo; Mapelli, Francesca; Zanardini, Elisabetta; Terzaghi, Elisa; DI GUARDO, Antonio; Morosini, Cristiana; Raspa, Giuseppe; Borin, Sara
Titolo | Data di pubblicazione | Autore(i) | File |
Identifying priority sites for whale shark ship collision management globally | 1-gen-2024 | Womersley, F. C.; Rohner, C. A.; Abrantes, K.; Afonso, P.; Arunrugstichai, S.; Bach, S. S.; Bar, S.; Barash, A.; Barnes, P.; Barnett, A.; Boldrocchi, G.; Buffat, N.; Canon, T.; Perez, C. C.; Chuangcharoendee, M.; Cochran, J. E. M.; de la Parra, R.; Diamant, S.; Driggers, W.; Dudgeon, C. L.; Erdmann, M. V.; Fitzpatrick, R.; Flam, A.; Fontes, J.; Francis, G.; Galvan, B. E.; Graham, R. T.; Green, S. M.; Green, J. R.; Grosmark, Y.; Guzman, H. M.; Hardenstine, R. S.; Harvey, M.; Harvey-Carroll, J.; Hasan, A. W.; Hearn, A. R.; Hendon, J. M.; Putra, M. I. H.; Himawan, M. R.; Hoffmayer, E.; Holmberg, J.; Hsu, H. H.; Jaidah, M. Y.; Jansen, A.; Judd, C.; Kuguru, B.; Lester, E.; Macena, B. C. L.; Magson, K.; Maguiño, R.; Manjaji-Matsumoto, M.; Marcoux, S. D.; Marcoux, T.; Mckinney, J.; Meekan, M.; Mendoza, A.; Moazzam, M.; Monacella, E.; Norman, B.; Perry, C.; Pierce, S.; Prebble, C.; Macías, D. R.; Raudino, H.; Reynolds, S.; Robinson, D.; Rowat, D.; Santos, M. D.; Schmidt, J.; Scott, C.; See, S. T.; Sianipar, A.; Speed, C. W.; Syakurachman, I.; Tyne, J. A.; Waples, K.; Winn, C.; Yuneni, R. R.; Zareer, I.; Araujo, G. | |
Impact of polypropylene microplastics and chemical pollutants on European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) gut microbiota and health | 1-gen-2022 | Montero, D; Rimoldi, S; Torrecillas, S; Jorge Rapp, J; Moroni, F; Herrera, A; Gómez, M; Fernández-Montero, Á; Terova, G. | |
Importance of environmental and biomass dynamics in predicting chemical exposure in ecological risk assessment | 1-gen-2015 | Morselli, Melissa; Semplice, Matteo; De Laender, Frederik; Van den Brink, Paul J.; DI GUARDO, Antonio | |
Indoor air pollution, physical and comfort parameters related to schoolchildren's health: Data from the European SINPHONIE study | 1-gen-2020 | Baloch, R. M.; Maesano, C. N.; Christoffersen, J.; Banerjee, S.; Gabriel, M.; Csobod, E.; de Oliveira Fernandes, E.; Annesi-Maesano, I.; Szuppinger, P.; Prokai, R.; Farkas, P.; Fuzi, C.; Cani, E.; Draganic, J.; Mogyorosy, E. R.; Korac, Z.; Ventura, G.; Madureira, J.; Paciencia, I.; Martins, A.; Pereira, R.; Ramos, E.; Rudnai, P.; Paldy, A.; Dura, G.; Beregszaszi, T.; Vaskovi, E.; Magyar, D.; Pandics, T.; Remeny-Nagy, Z.; Szentmihalyi, R.; Udvardy, O.; Varro, M. J.; Kephalopoulos, S.; Kotzias, D.; Barrero-Moreno, J.; Mehmeti, R.; Vilic, A.; Maestro, D.; Moshammer, H.; Strasser, G.; Brigitte, P.; Hohenblum, P.; Goelen, E.; Stranger, M.; Spruy, M.; Sidjimov, M.; Hadjipanayis, A.; Katsonouri-Sazeides, A.; Demetriou, E.; Kubinova, R.; Kazmarova, H.; Dlouha, B.; Kotlik, B.; Vabar, H.; Ruut, J.; Metus, M.; Rand, K.; Jarviste, A.; Nevalainen, A.; Hyvarinen, A.; Taubel, M.; Jarvi, K.; Mandin, C.; Berthineau, B.; Moriske, H. -J.; Giacomini, M.; Neumann, A.; Bartzis, J.; Kalimeri, K.; Saraga, D.; Santamouris, M.; Assimakopoulos, M. N.; Asimakopoulos, V.; Carrer, P.; Cattaneo, A.; Pulvirenti, S.; Vercelli, F.; Strangi, F.; Omeri, E.; Piazza, S.; D'Alcamo, A.; Fanetti, A. C.; Sestini, P.; Kouri, M.; Viegi, G.; Baldacci, S.; Maio, S.; Franzitta, V.; Bucchieri, S.; Cibella, F.; Neri, M.; Martuzevicius, D.; Krugly, E.; Montefort, S.; Fsadni, P.; Brewczynski, P. Z.; Krakowiak, E.; Kurek, J.; Kubarek, E.; Wlazlo, A.; Borrego, C.; Alves, C.; Valente, J.; Gurzau, E.; Rosu, C.; Popita, G.; Neamtiu, I.; Neagu, C.; Norback, D.; Bluyssen, P.; Bohms, M.; Van Den Hazel, P.; Cassee, F.; de Bruin, Y. B.; Bartonova, A.; Yang, A.; Halzlova, K.; Jajcaj, M.; Kanikova, M.; Miklankova, O.; Vitkiva, M.; Jovsevic-Stojanovic, M.; Zivkovic, M.; Stevanovic, Z.; Lazovic, I.; Stevanovic, Z.; Zivkovic, Z.; Cerovic, S.; Jocic-Stojanovic, J.; Mumovic, D.; Tarttelin, P.; Chatzidiakou, L.; Chatzidiakou, E.; Dewolf, M. -C. | |
Integration of a dynamic organism model into the DynA Model: Development and application to the case of DDT in Lake Maggiore, Italy | 1-gen-2013 | Infantino, Alfonso; Morselli, Melissa; DI GUARDO, Antonio | |
Lethality, teratogenicity and growth inhibition of heptanol in Xenopus assayed by a modified FETAX procedure | 1-gen-1994 | Bernardini, GIOVANNI BATTISTA; Vismara, C.; Boracchi, P.; Camatini, M. | |
Lockdown for CoViD-2019 in Milan: what are the effects on air quality? | 1-gen-2020 | Collivignarelli, M. C.; Abba, A.; Bertanza, G.; Pedrazzani, R.; Ricciardi, P.; Carnevale Miino, M. | |
Maldives: an archipelago that burns. A first survey of PCDD/Fs and DL-PCBs from human activities | 1-gen-2014 | Colombo, A.; Bettinetti, Roberta; Strona, G.; Cambria, F.; Fanelli, R.; Zubair, Z.; Galli, P. | |
Metabolic biotransformation half-lives in fish: QSAR modeling and consensus analysis | 1-gen-2014 | Papa, Ester; van der Wal, L.; Arnot, J. A.; Gramatica, Paola | |
Microbial activity in alpine soils under climate change | 1-gen-2021 | D'Alo, F.; Odriozola, I.; Baldrian, P.; Zucconi, L.; Ripa, C.; Cannone, N.; Malfasi, F.; Brancaleoni, L.; Onofri, S. | |
Microbial degradation of pyrene in holm oak (Quercus ilex) phyllosphere: Role of particulate matter in regulating bioaccessibility | 1-gen-2021 | Terzaghi, E.; Posada-Baquero, R.; Di Guardo, A.; Ortega-Calvo, J. -J. | |
Microplastics removal in wastewater treatment plants: A review of the different approaches to limit their release in the environment | 1-gen-2024 | Carnevale Miino, Marco; Galafassi, Silvia; Zullo, Rosa; Torretta, Vincenzo; Rada, Elena Cristina | |
Modelling micropollutant cycle in Lake Como in a winter scenario: Implications for water use and reuse, ecosystem services, and the EU zero pollution action plan | 1-gen-2024 | Di Guardo, A.; Castiglioni, S.; Gambino, I.; Sailis, A.; Salmoiraghi, G.; Schiarea, S.; Vighi, M.; Terzaghi, E. | |
Municipal solid waste management during the SARS-COV-2 outbreak and lockdown ease: Lessons from Italy | 1-gen-2020 | Ragazzi, M.; Rada, E. C.; Schiavon, M. | |
A new dataset of PCB half-lives in soil: Effect of plant species and organic carbon addition on biodegradation rates in a weathered contaminated soil | 1-gen-2021 | Terzaghi, E.; Alberti, E.; Raspa, G.; Zanardini, E.; Morosini, C.; Anelli, S.; Armiraglio, S.; Di Guardo, A. | |
PCB vertical and horizontal movement in agricultural soils of a highly contaminated site: Role of soil properties, cultivation history and PCB physico-chemical parameters | 1-gen-2020 | Di Guardo, A.; Raspa, G.; Terzaghi, E.; Vergani, L.; Mapelli, F.; Borin, S.; Zanardini, E.; Morosini, C.; Anelli, S.; Nastasio, P.; Sale, V. M.; Armiraglio, S. | |
Perfluoroalkyl acids in fish of Italian deep lakes: Environmental and human risk assessment | 1-gen-2019 | Mazzoni, Michela; Buffo, Angela; Cappelli, Francesca; Pascariello, Simona; Polesello, Stefano; Valsecchi, Sara; Volta, Pietro; Bettinetti, Roberta | |
Pharmaceutical and narcotics monitoring in Brno wastewater system and estimation of seasonal effect on the abuse of illicit drugs by a wastewater-based epidemiology approach | 1-gen-2023 | Carnevale Miino, M.; Macsek, T.; Halešová, T.; Chorazy, T.; Hlavínek, P. | |
Physiological stress response to urbanisation differs between native and invasive squirrel species | 1-gen-2024 | Santicchia, F.; Tranquillo, C.; Wauters, L. A.; Palme, R.; Panzeri, M.; Preatoni, D.; Bisi, F.; Martinoli, A. | |
Phyto-rhizoremediation of polychlorinated biphenyl contaminated soils: An outlook on plant-microbe beneficial interactions | 1-gen-2017 | Vergani, Lorenzo; Mapelli, Francesca; Zanardini, Elisabetta; Terzaghi, Elisa; DI GUARDO, Antonio; Morosini, Cristiana; Raspa, Giuseppe; Borin, Sara |
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