A case of Concha Bullosa and potentially related evidences. Concha bullosa discovered in the bones of a medieval skeleton from Brentonico, Northeast Italy: a case report.
2018-01-01 Tonina, E.; Licata, M.; Pangrazzi, C.; Maspero, U.; Romano, L.; Larentis, O.
A pathological diagnosis of kyphosis in the case of the concealed corpse - the skeleton of Azzio’s Crypt
2018-01-01 Larentis, O.; Gorini, I.; Rossetti, C.; Tonina, E.; Licata, M.
A possible case of biparietal osteodystrophy from the medieval church of Sant’agostino, Caravate, Varese (Northwestern Italy)
2019-01-01 Tonina, E.; Pangrazzi, C.; Licata, M.; Gorini, I.; Larentis, O.
A possible case of orbital osteomyelitis from a medieval church in Valcuvia (Varese, Northwest Italy)
2022-01-01 Fusco, Roberta; Tesi, Chiara; Larentis, Omar; Tonina, Enrica; Licata, Marta
A possible case of “kissing” osteochondroma and multiple enchondromas in a medieval skeleton from the church of Sant’ Agostino in Caravate (Northern Italy)
2023-01-01 Larentis, O.; Tonina, E.; Iorio, S.; Tesi, C.; Fusco, R.; Licata, M.
A probable case of Skeletal Fluorosis from the medieval church of “Dell’Assunta”, Smarano, Trento, northeastern Italy
2022-01-01 Pangrazzi, C.; Tonina, E.; Tomasi, C.; Rossetti, C.; Larentis, O.
A probable case of spinal tuberculosis. The 18th-20th century concealed body of Azzio, Varese, Northwestern Italy
2019-01-01 Larentis, O.; Rossetti, C.; Tonina, E.; Tesi, C.; Fusco, R.; Licata, M.
A probable case of subligamentous tuberculous spondylitis: the concealed body of the Late Modern Period (early 16th century to early 20th century), Franciscan crypt of St. Anthony and St. Eusebius church, Lombardy, Italy
2020-01-01 Larentis, O.; Tonina, E.; Tesi, C.; Rossetti, C.; Gorini, I.; Ciliberti, R.; Licata, M.
A Severe Case of Biparietal Thinning in a Medieval Skull From a Northern Italy Necropolis
2022-01-01 Tonina, Enrica; Larentis, Omar; Tesi, Chiara; Fusco, Roberta; Campagnolo, Monica; Licata, Marta
Anthropological and paleopathological analysis of the human remains from a medieval church in Valcuvia (Varese, Northwester Italy)
2022-01-01 Tonina, E.; Larentis, O.; Pangrazzi, C.; Licata, M.; Gorini, I.; Fusco, R.; Moroni, E.; Capuzzo, D.; Locatelli, D. P.; Bramanti, B.
Archeologia, antropologia e isotopi. Le sepolture di San Martino di Lundo nel Trentino occidentale
2017-01-01 Larentis, Omar; Tonina, Enrica; Pangrazzi, Caterina
Body petrification in Italy. Another recipe of the 19th century revealed
2021-01-01 Larentis, O.; Tesi, C.; Licata, M.; Fusco, R.; Gorini, I.; Rossetti, C.; Tonina, E.
Could the study of ancient human remains help the modern clinic? Interpreting multiple osteomas, a difficult challenge
2022-01-01 Licata, Marta; Tonina, Enrica; Ciliberti, Rosagemma; Fusco, Roberta; Tesi, Chiara; Larentis, Omar
Five brains of alienated criminals. Neurological investigations of early twentieth century criminal anthropology
2022-01-01 Licata, M; Larentis, O; Tesi, C; Fusco, R; Tonina, E; Ciliberti, R
Henry Tonks and the true face of war
2021-01-01 Fusco, R.; Tonina, E.; Tesi, C.
Locus parvulorum, children’s pathology of the Saint Mary Nativity church of Segno (Trentino)
2018-01-01 Larentis, Omar; Tonina, Enrica
Marcatori muscolo-scheletrici, interpretazione di un gruppo umano del VI d.C. La chiesa dei Santi Ippolito e Cassiano a Riva del Garda (Trentino-Alto Adige, Italia)
2020-01-01 Tonina, Enrica; Larentis, Omar
Mortui viventes docent. L'esposizione di resti umani tra storia, etica e antropologia
2022-01-01 Tonina, Enrica; Larentis, Omar; Pezzoni, Barbara; Gorini, Ilaria
Osteological evidence of metabolic diseases from a post medieval North Italy archaeological site
2019-01-01 Larentis, O.; Tonina, E.; Iorio, S.; Gorini, I.; Licata, M.
Osteological Evidence of Possible Tuberculosis from the Early Medieval Age (6th–11th Century), Northern Italy
2023-01-01 Larentis, Omar; Pangrazzi, Caterina; Tonina, Enrica