Anatomical alterations: biparietal thinning in antiquity. Review of published cases and a new case
2025-01-01 Rossetti, Nicol; Fusco, Roberta; Vanni, Arianna; Garanzini, Francesca; Mazzucchi, Alessandra; Licata, Marta
Autopsy or anatomical dissection? Comparative analysis of an osteoarchaeological sample from an 18-19th century hypogeal cemetery (northern Italy).
2024-01-01 Vanni, Arianna; Fusco, Roberta; Tesi, Chiara; Licata, Marta
Behind the wall: a paleopathological examination of a non-adult subject from the cemetery of Santa Maria Maggiore, Vercelli.
2024-01-01 Vanni, Arianna; Fusco, Roberta
Bioarchaeology as a means to enhance the territory
2023-01-01 Licata, Marta; Vanni, Arianna
Companions in eternity. The historical practice of burying pets
2023-01-01 Vanni, Arianna; Fusco, Roberta
Enhancement of archaeological sites and human remains in decentralized areas: territorial expansion and ethical education through the involvement of students
2023-01-01 Vanni, A.; Fusco, R.
Health and heritage: the bioarchaeological discovery of a probable case of developmental dysplasia in an adult subject
2024-01-01 Rossetti, Nicol; Fusco, Roberta; Messina, Carmelo; Vanni, Arianna; Licata, Marta
Human remains: European legislative perspective on the limit between forensic and archaeological jurisdiction with special regard to war graves.
2023-01-01 Vanni, Arianna
The study of the Nerviano Lazaretto in the context of the 17th-Century Plague
2024-01-01 Fusco, Roberta; Vanni, Arianna
“Capta est ne malitia mutaret intelletum eius…”: Study on a natural mummy from an underground cemetery (18-19th century)
2023-01-01 Fusco, R.; Messina, C.; Tesi, C.; Vanni, A.