A discrete free MV-algebra over one generator
2001-01-01 DI NOLA, A.; Gerla, Brunella
A logical framework for fuzzy collaborative filtering
2001-01-01 Aguzzoli, S; Avesani, P; Gerla, Brunella
A Note on Functions Associated with Gödel Formulas
2000-01-01 Gerla, Brunella
A note on minimal axiomatisations of some extensions of MTL
2014-01-01 Aguzzoli, S.; Ferraioli, A. R.; Gerla, Brunella
Abelian l-groups with strong unit and perfect MV-algebras
2008-01-01 Belluce, L. P.; DI NOLA, A; Gerla, Brunella
Adding Real Coefficients to Łukasiewicz Logic: An Application to Neural NetworksFuzzy Logic and Applications
2013-01-01 Antonio, Nola; Gerla, Brunella; Ioana, Leustean
Algebraic and Proof-theoretic Aspects of Non-classical Logics
2008-01-01 Aguzzoli, S; Ciabattoni, A; Gerla, Brunella; Manara, C; Marra, V.
Algebras of Fuzzy Sets in Logics Based on Continuous Triangular Norms.
2009-01-01 Aguzzoli, S; Gerla, Brunella; Marra, V.
Algebras of Lukasiewicz logic and their semiring reducts
2005-01-01 A., DI NOLA; Gerla, Brunella
An Analysis of FRCA Quantifiers
2023-01-01 Boffa, S.; Gerla, B.
Applications of Topological Dualities to Measure Theory in Algebraic Many-Valued Logic.
2011-01-01 Aguzzoli, S.; Gerla, Brunella; Marra, V.
Automata over MV-algebras
2004-01-01 Gerla, Brunella
Automorphism groups of finite BL-algebras
2020-01-01 Aguzzoli, Stefano; Gerla, Brunella
Averaging the Truth Value of Formulas in Gödel Logic
2023-01-01 Aguzzoli, S.; Gerla, B.
Combining Boolean algebras and ℓ-groups in the variety generated by Chang's MV-algebra
2016-01-01 A., Di Nola; Ferraioli, ANNA RITA; Gerla, Brunella
Comparing the Expressive Power of Some Fuzzy Logics Based on Residuated t-norms
2006-01-01 Stefano, Aguzzoli; Gerla, Brunella
Complexity issues in Basic Logic
2005-01-01 S., Aguzzoli; Gerla, Brunella; Z., Hanikova
Composition of MV-algebras
2006-01-01 DI NOLA, A; Flondor, P; Gerla, Brunella
Conditioning a state by a Lukasiewicz event: a probabilistic approach to Ulam games
2000-01-01 Gerla, Brunella
Context-aware advertisment recommendation on twitter through rough sets
2018-01-01 Boffa, Stefania; De Maio, Carmen; Gerla, Brunella; Parente, Mimmo