Arte e diritto. Una lezione introduttiva
2017-01-01 Palandri, L
Converging courts. Reconceptualizing the notion of judicial cosmopolitanism
2015-01-01 Palandri, L
Cultural heritage and urban regeneration. Towards collaborative approaches for cultural heritage management and enhancement
In corso di stampa Palandri, Lucrezia
Digitalization and access to cultural heritage from the Italian perspective. A focus on digital archives and collections
2024-01-01 Palandri, Lucrezia
Fashion as art: Rights and remedies in the age of social media
2020-01-01 Palandri, Lucrezia
Fashion Disputes and Alternatives to Court
2020-01-01 Palandri, L
Giudicare l'arte
2016-01-01 Palandri, Lucrezia
Giudicare l'arte. Le corti degli Stati Uniti e la libertà di espressione artistica
2016-01-01 Palandri, L
Heritage-Shaking in an Activated Archive: The Emilio Pucci Heritage Hub and the Vivara Print between Copyright and Cultural Property Law
2023-01-01 Palandri, Lucrezia; Caponigri, Felicia
La moda tra diritto e arte
2020-01-01 Palandri, Lucrezia
La moda tra diritto e arte
2020-01-01 Palandri, L; Barsotti, V
Moda e arte. La tutela delle creazioni di moda nell'era dei social media
2020-01-01 Palandri, L
Quando gli "amici" entrano a corte
2020-01-01 Barsotti, Vittoria; Simoni, Alessandro; De Luca, Alessandra; Benvenuti, Sara; Palandri, Lucrezia; Silvestri, Caterina
The comparative approach of the European Court of Human Rights. Shared criticism with the United States Supreme Court
2016-01-01 Palandri, L
Theoretical reflections on legal pluralism and global constitutionalism: their possible reconciliation in an alternative model of plural constitutionalism
2013-01-01 Palandri, Lucrezia