"Biodiversità ed Ecosistemi - Ecosistemi Terrestri" In: "Rapporto sullo stato delle conoscenze scientifiche su impatti, vulnerabilità ed adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici in Italia"
2014-01-01 Gatto, Marino; Cannone, Nicoletta; Casagrandi, Renato; Padoa Schioppa, Emilio; Mas, Juan Terradez; Denti, Antonio Ballarin; Bonardi, Anna; Leo, Giulio De; Ficetola, Gentile Francesco; Fiorese, Giulia; Lapi, Mita; Malfasi, Francesco; Rossetto, Marisa
A multicriteria protocol for the set-up and long-term monitoring of a pilot project for the restoration of alpine vegetation threatened by climate change
2024-01-01 Casiraghi, Chiara; Malfasi, Francesco; Cannone, Nicoletta
A new simple topo-climatic model to predict surface displacement in paraglacial and periglacial mountains of the European Alps: The importance of ground heating index and floristic components as ecological indicators
2021-01-01 Ponti, Stefano; Cannone, Nicoletta; Guglielmin, Mauro
A permafrost warming in a cooling Antarctica?
2012-01-01 Guglielmin, Mauro; Cannone, Nicoletta
A pilot project to limit the human impacts on the fragile antarctic biota: Mitigation of a runway through vegetation transplantation
2021-01-01 Cannone, N.; Ponti, S.; Malfasi, F.
A preliminary floristic classification of southern and northern Victoria Land vegetation, continental Antarctica
2008-01-01 Cannone, Nicoletta; Seppelt, R.
2008-01-01 Cannone, Nicoletta; Diolaiuti, G.; Guglielmin, Mauro; Smiraglia, C.
Acceleration of climate warming and plant dynamics in Antarctica
2022-01-01 Cannone, Nicoletta; Malfasi, Francesco; Enrico Favero-Longo, Sergio; Convey, Peter; Guglielmin, Mauro
Active layer thermal regime under different vegetation conditions in permafrost areas. A case study at Signy Island (maritime Antarctica)
2008-01-01 Guglielmin, Mauro; C. J., ELLIS EVANS; Cannone, Nicoletta
Alpine grassland and snowbed species after five years of manipulation experiments: phenology and growth
2019-01-01 Malfasi, F.; Cannone, N.
Antarctic Specially Protected Areas (ASPA): a case study at Rothera Point providing tools and perspectives for the implementation of the ASPA network
2018-01-01 Cannone, N.; Convey, P.; Malfasi, F.
Atti del convegno "Cambiamento climatico: analisi ed impatti su specie ed ecosistemi vegetali". Gruppo di Ecologia della Società Botanica Italiana
2012-01-01 Cannone, Nicoletta; Barni, E.; Marignani, M.
Atti del Convegno “Lo Scienziato Ambientale dal mondo del lavoro a quello della scienza”
2021-01-01 Cannone, Nicoletta; Bettinetti, Roberta; Brivio, MAURIZIO FRANCESCO; Ferrario, MARIA FRANCESCA; Papa, Ester; Spinazzè, Andrea
Belowground impacts of alpine woody encroachment are determined by plant traits, local climate, and soil conditions
2020-01-01 Collins, C. G.; Spasojevic, M. J.; Alados, C. L.; Aronson, E. L.; Benavides, J. C.; Cannone, N.; Caviezel, C.; Grau, O.; Guo, H.; Kudo, G.; Kuhn, N. J.; Mullerova, J.; Phillips, M. L.; Pombubpa, N.; Reverchon, F.; Shulman, H. B.; Stajich, J. E.; Stokes, A.; Weber, S. E.; Diez, J. M.
Biotic and abiotic factors influencing soil properties across a latitudinal gradient in Victoria Land, Antarctica
2008-01-01 Cannone, Nicoletta; Wagner, D.; Hubberten, H. W.; Guglielmin, Mauro
Biotic and Abiotic Processes on Granite Weathering Landforms in a Cryotic Environment, Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica
2005-01-01 Guglielmin, Mauro; Cannone, Nicoletta; Strini, A; Lewkowicz, A.
Carbon fluxes in Arctic plant species: photosynthetic performances, isotopic signature and VOCs emissions
2013-01-01 Augusti, A.; Cannone, N.; Malfasi, F.; Pallozzi, E.; Brugnoli, E.; Calfapietra, C.
Changes in lichen diversity and community structure with fur seal population increase on Signy Island, South Orkney Islands
2011-01-01 Favero Longo, Se; Cannone, Nicoletta; Worland, Mr; Convey, P; Piervittori, R; Guglielmin, Mauro
Changes of rock glacier vegetation in 25 years of climate warming in the Italian Alps
2021-01-01 Cannone, N.; Piccinelli, S.
Characterization of Soil Organic Matter along an elevation gradient at Stelvio Pass (Italian Alps)
2020-01-01 Zangrando, Roberta; Villoslada Hidalgo, Maria del Carmen; Turetta, Clara; Cannone, Nicoletta; Malfasi, Francesco; Onofri, Silvano