After identifying the normative data from which to infer the provvedimental nature of recovery acts, we indicate the reasons why a systematic reading of the new discipline [art. 38-bis, co. 1, lett. a) Presidential Decree no. 600/1973] should lead to the following conclusion: the formal and procedural requirements required for the validity of the recovery act and, before that, the regime of elision of effects applicable to the measure that does not conform to the legal model, are those provided for by the reformed Statute of Taxpayers' Rights. This, in fact, has become the "code" of the general principles of the actions of the financial administration, which are also valid for proceedings and acts that are not purely tax-related, but which have, however, a link with the implementation of the tax levy, as is the case with acts aimed at the recovery of subsidy credits unduly used in compensation (art. 17 d.lgs no. 241/1997). As for procedural constraints, again based on a systematic reading, the recovery act should be used exclusively for the compulsory collection of subsidy credits (not due or nonexistent) unduly offset in the F24 form. This would avoid the occurrence of problems of competition or complementarity among several proceedings (and corresponding acts).
Individuati i dati normativi da cui desumere la natura provvedimentale degli atti di recupero, si indicano le ragioni per cui una lettura sistematica della nuova disciplina [art. 38-bis, co. 1, lett. a) d.P.R. n. 600/1973] dovrebbe condurre alla seguente conclusione: i requisiti formali e procedimentali richiesti ai fini della validità dell’atto di recupero e, prima ancora, il regime di elisione degli effetti applicabile al provvedimento non conforme al modello legale, sono quelli previsti dal riformato Statuto dei diritti del contribuente. Questo, infatti, è divenuto il «codice» dei principi generali dell’agire dell’amministrazione finanziaria, valevoli anche per procedimenti e atti non strettamente tributari, ma che hanno, comunque, un legame con l’attuazione del prelievo tributario, come accade per gli atti finalizzati al recupero dei crediti sovvenzionali indebitamente utilizzati in compensazione ex art. 17 d.lgs. n. 241/1997. Quanto ai vincoli procedimentali, sempre in base ad una lettura sistematica, l’atto di recupero andrebbe utilizzato in via esclusiva per la riscossione coattiva dei crediti sovvenzionali (non spettanti o inesistenti) indebitamente compensati nel modello F24. In questo modo si eviterebbe l’insorgenza di problemi di concorrenza o di complementarietà tra più procedimenti (e corrispondenti atti).
Atti di recupero: requisiti (formali e procedimentali) di validità
After identifying the normative data from which to infer the provvedimental nature of recovery acts, we indicate the reasons why a systematic reading of the new discipline [art. 38-bis, co. 1, lett. a) Presidential Decree no. 600/1973] should lead to the following conclusion: the formal and procedural requirements required for the validity of the recovery act and, before that, the regime of elision of effects applicable to the measure that does not conform to the legal model, are those provided for by the reformed Statute of Taxpayers' Rights. This, in fact, has become the "code" of the general principles of the actions of the financial administration, which are also valid for proceedings and acts that are not purely tax-related, but which have, however, a link with the implementation of the tax levy, as is the case with acts aimed at the recovery of subsidy credits unduly used in compensation (art. 17 d.lgs no. 241/1997). As for procedural constraints, again based on a systematic reading, the recovery act should be used exclusively for the compulsory collection of subsidy credits (not due or nonexistent) unduly offset in the F24 form. This would avoid the occurrence of problems of competition or complementarity among several proceedings (and corresponding acts).I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.