Absolute calibration of photon-number-resolving detectors with an analog output using twin beams
2014-01-01 J. Peřina J., R.; O., Haderka; Allevi, Alessia; Bondani, Maria
Analysis of the response of silicon photomultipliers to optical light fields
2009-01-01 Ramilli, M.; Bondani, M.; Allevi, A.; Caccia, M.; Andreoni, A.; Chmill, V.
Assessing the binding mode of ligands to DNA by time resolved fluorescence
2007-01-01 Nardo, Luca; Bondani, Maria; Andreoni, Alessandra
Can nonclassical correlations survive in the presence of asymmetric lossy channels?
2018-01-01 Allevi, Alessia; Bondani, Maria
Characterization of phase-averaged coherent states
2013-01-01 Allevi, Alessia; Bondani, Maria; P., Marian; T. A., Marian; S., Olivares
Coherence properties of high-gain twin beams
2014-01-01 Allevi, Alessia; O., Jedrkiewicz; Brambilla, Enrico; A., Gatti; J. Perina J., R.; O., Haderka; Bondani, Maria
Conditional measurements with silicon photomultipliers
2021-01-01 Chesi, G.; Allevi, A.; Bondani, M.
Detecting quantum features in the real world
2019-01-01 Allevi, A.; Chesi, G.; Nardo, L.; Bondani, M.
DNA-ligand binding mode discrimination by characterizing fluorescence resonance energy transfer through lifetime measurements with picosecond resolution
2008-01-01 Nardo, L.; Bondani, M.; Andreoni, A.
Double-stranded flanking ends affect the folding kinetics and conformational equilibrium of G-quadruplexes forming sequences within the promoter of KIT oncogene
2021-01-01 Vesco, G.; Lamperti, M.; Salerno, D.; Marrano, C. A.; Cassina, V.; Rigo, R.; Buglione, E.; Bondani, M.; Nicoletto, G.; Mantegazza, F.; Sissi, C.; Nardo, L.
Dynamical localization simulated on actual quantum hardware
2021-01-01 Pizzamiglio, A.; Chang, S. Y.; Bondani, M.; Montangero, S.; Gerace, D.; Benenti, G.
Effect of cross-talk on conditional measurements performed with multi-pixel photon counters
2020-01-01 Chesi, G.; Allevi, A.; Bondani, M.
Effect of noisy channels on the transmission of mesoscopic twin-beam states
2021-01-01 Allevi, A.; Bondani, M.
Effects of non-CpG site methylation on DNA thermal stability: A fluorescence study
2015-01-01 Nardo, L.; Lamperti, M.; Salerno, D.; Cassina, V.; Missana, N.; Bondani, M.; Tempestini, A.; Mantegazza, F.
Effects of pump depletion on spatial and spectral properties of parametric down-conversion
2015-01-01 Allevi, Alessia; Lamperti, Marco; Machulka, Radek; Jedrkiewicz, Ottavia; Brambilla, Enrico; Gatti, ALESSANDRA CARLA; Peřina, Jan; Haderka, Ondřej; Bondani, Maria
Efficient Implementation of Discrete-Time Quantum Walks on Quantum Computers
2024-01-01 Razzoli, Luca; Cenedese, Gabriele; Bondani, Maria; Benenti, Giuliano
Elucidating the relationship between the phenolic substituents and the excited state dynamics of curcuminoids
2012-01-01 Nardo, L.; Bondani, M.; Tonnesen, H. H.
Excited-state dynamics of bis-dehydroxycurcumin carboxylic acid, a water-soluble derivative of the photosensitizer curcumin
2012-01-01 Nardo, Luca; Maspero, Angelo; Selva, M.; Bondani, Maria; Palmisano, Giovanni; Ferrari, E.; Saladini, M.
Experimental Validation of the Statistical Properties of Speckled-Speckle Fields in the Mesoscopic Intensity Regime
2023-01-01 Bianciardi, C.; Allevi, A.; Bondani, M.
Exploiting the wide dynamic range of silicon photomultipliers for quantum optics applications
2021-01-01 Cassina, Silvia; Allevi, Alessia; Mascagna, Valerio; Prest, Michela; Vallazza, Erik; Bondani, Maria