Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 7.633
EU - Europa 4.127
AS - Asia 1.141
SA - Sud America 36
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 9
OC - Oceania 4
AF - Africa 1
Totale 12.951
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.623
IT - Italia 2.283
UA - Ucraina 664
TR - Turchia 386
VN - Vietnam 348
SE - Svezia 325
IE - Irlanda 193
CN - Cina 191
DE - Germania 183
FI - Finlandia 145
RU - Federazione Russa 132
GB - Regno Unito 131
SG - Singapore 108
HK - Hong Kong 63
BR - Brasile 34
FR - Francia 26
JP - Giappone 23
BE - Belgio 13
IN - India 12
AT - Austria 10
EU - Europa 9
NL - Olanda 9
CA - Canada 6
AU - Australia 4
CH - Svizzera 3
UZ - Uzbekistan 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
ES - Italia 2
ID - Indonesia 2
MX - Messico 2
AR - Argentina 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BS - Bahamas 1
EC - Ecuador 1
GR - Grecia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IQ - Iraq 1
IR - Iran 1
JM - Giamaica 1
LB - Libano 1
PL - Polonia 1
RO - Romania 1
RS - Serbia 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 12.951
Città #
Milan 1.409
Fairfield 1.267
Woodbridge 723
Ashburn 567
Jacksonville 527
Seattle 507
Houston 489
Ann Arbor 447
Wilmington 430
Cambridge 426
Chandler 411
Dearborn 263
Como 233
Nyköping 206
Princeton 194
Dublin 193
Izmir 190
Dong Ket 164
Boardman 144
Singapore 92
Rome 89
Ponte Lambro 76
San Diego 74
San Mateo 60
Kocaeli 41
Chicago 39
Ogden 39
Beijing 38
Hefei 24
Santa Clara 24
London 22
Tokyo 20
Washington 19
Verona 17
Düsseldorf 16
Helsinki 16
Nanjing 16
Redmond 16
Los Angeles 15
North Bergen 15
Falls Church 14
Redwood City 14
Brussels 13
Frankfurt am Main 12
Kunming 12
Guangzhou 10
Berlin 9
Buscate 9
Munich 9
Anzano Del Parco 8
Auburn Hills 8
Dallas 8
Indiana 8
Jinan 8
Kilburn 8
New York 8
San Jose 8
Shenyang 8
West Jordan 8
Asso 7
Nanchang 7
Norwalk 7
Phoenix 7
Prescot 7
Pune 7
Cagliari 6
Chiswick 6
Las Vegas 6
Oggiono 6
Saint Petersburg 6
Southwark 6
São Paulo 6
Vienna 6
Baotou 5
Hong Kong 5
Nuremberg 5
San Francisco 5
Tappahannock 5
Chengdu 4
Lurago Marinone 4
Magnago 4
Meda 4
Mumbai 4
Padova 4
Shanghai 4
Wandsworth 4
West Palm Beach 4
Amsterdam 3
Carimate 3
Chongqing 3
Fuzhou 3
Groningen 3
Hebei 3
Mountain View 3
New Bedfont 3
Parma 3
Pusiano 3
Tashkent 3
Toronto 3
Varese 3
Totale 9.930
Nome #
Irreversible Conversion of a Water-Ethanol Solution into an Organized Two-Dimensional Network of Alternating Supramolecular Units in a Hydrophobic Zeolite under Pressure 289
First principles studies on boron sites 230
Dipolar host guest interactions and geometrical confinement at the basis of the stability of one-dimensional ice in zeolite bikitaite 210
Study of electrostatic properties in three model sodalites: a different perspective on Bronsted acidity and host-guest interactions in zeolitic cages 209
One-dimensional self-assembly of perylene-diimide dyes by unidirectional transit of zeolite channel openings 207
"Hot" Surface Activation of Molecular Complexes: Insight from Modeling Studies 207
Structural modification of gallium lanthanum sulfide glass induced by ultrafast laser inscription 203
On the Simple Complexity of Carbon Monoxide on Oxide Surfaces: Facet-Specific Donation and Backdonation Effects Revealed on TiO2 Anatase Nanoparticles 198
Molecular Engineering of MnIIDiamine Diketonate Precursors for the Vapor Deposition of Manganese Oxide Nanostructures 186
Structure of Nanochannel Entrances in Stopcock-Functionalized Zeolite L Composites 183
Dethreading of a Photoactive Azobenzene-Containing Molecular Axle from a Crown Ether Ring: A Computational Investigation 183
How Does CuII Convert into CuI? An Unexpected Ring-Mediated Single-Electron Reduction 181
Structure and Host–Guest Interactions of Perylene–Diimide Dyes in Zeolite L Nanochannels 180
Supramolecular Organization in Confined Nanospaces 178
One-dimensional ice in bikitaite: single-crystal X-ray diffraction, infra-red spectroscopy and ab-initio molecular dynamics studies 177
null 173
The effect of pressure on open-framework silicates: elastic behaviour and crystal-fluid interaction 172
The case of formic acid on (101) anatase TiO2: where is the acid proton? 171
Surface features of TiO2 nanoparticles: combination modes of adsorbed CO probe the stepping of (101) facets 167
Computer modeling of apparently straight bond angles: The intriguing case of all-silica ferrierite 162
Bathochromic effects in electronic excitation spectra of hydrated Ti zeolites: A theoretical characterization 160
Modeling the first activation stages of the Fe(hfa)2TMEDA CVD precursor on a heated growth surface 160
Close-Packed Dye Molecules in Zeolite Channels Self-Assemble into Supramolecular Nanoladders 158
β-Fe2O3 nanomaterials from an iron(II) diketonate-diamine complex: a study from molecular precursor to growth process 157
On the Compatibility Criteria for Protein Encapsulation inside Mesoporous Materials 153
Behaviour at high pressure of Rb7NaGa8Si12O40·3H2O (a zeolite with EDI topology): a combined experimental–computational study 153
Manganese(II) Molecular Sources for Plasma-Assisted CVD of Mn Oxides and Fluorides: From Precursors to Growth Process 153
High pressure deformation mechanism of Li-ABW: Synchrotron XRPD study and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations 148
High-pressure behavior of bikitaite: An integrated theoretical and experimental approach 147
A theoretical investigation on pressure-induced changes in the vibrational spectrum of zeolite bikitaite 146
Sensing Nitrogen Mustard Gas Simulant at the ppb Scale via Selective Dual-Site Activation at Au/Mn3O4 Interfaces 146
Dehydration dynamics of bikitaite: Part II. Ab initio molecular dynamics study 144
Structural deformation mechanisms of zeolites under pressure 143
The "template" effect of the extra-framework content on zeolite compression: The case of yugawaralite 143
Classical polarizable force fields parametrized from ab initio calculations 142
First-principles simulation of the intracage oxidation of nitrite to nitrate sodalite 141
Influence of silanols condensation on surface properties of micelle-templated silicas: A modelling study 141
Vapor-liquid phase equilibria of water modelled by a Kim-Gordon potential 141
Gismondine under HP: Deformation mechanism and re-organization of the extra-framework species 140
On the collective properties of water molecules in one-dimensional zeolitic channels 139
Confining a protein-containing water nanodroplet inside silica nanochannels 139
Water in zeolite L and its MOF mimic 138
Understanding the Vibrational and Electronic Features of Ti(IV) Sites in Mesoporous Silicas by Integrated Ab Initio and Spectroscopic Investigations 137
CVD precursors for transition metal oxide nanostructures: molecular properties, surface behavior and temperature effects 134
Does negative hyperconjugation assist enzymatic dehydrogenations? 133
Structure and dynamics of a Bronsted acid site in a zeolite: An ab initio study of hydrogen sodalite 133
An iron(II) diamine diketonate molecular complex: Synthesis, characterization and application in the CVD of Fe2O3 thin films. 133
Water molecules in single file: First-principles studies of one-dimensional water chains in zeolites 131
Water in acid boralites: Hydration effects on framework B sites 131
Interactions, Behavior, And Stability of Fluorenone inside Zeolite Nanochannels 131
Rotation of molecules and ions in confined spaces: a first-principles simulation study 130
Differential penetration of ethanol and water in Si-chabazite: High pressure dehydration of azeotrope solution 130
Opening the Pandora's jar of molecule-to-material conversion in chemical vapor deposition: Insights from theory 125
Ab initio study of defect sites at the inner surfaces of mesoporous silicas 124
Innovative M(Hfa)2•TMEDA (M=Cu, Co) Precursors for the CVD of Copper-Cobalt Oxides: an Integrated Theoretical and Experimental Approach 122
Shape-controlled TiO2 nanoparticles and TiO2 P25 interacting with CO and H2O2 molecular probes: a synergic approach for surface structure recognition and physico-chemical understanding 121
First-principles study of aqueous hydroxide solutions 119
High-pressure behaviour of yugawaralite at different water content: an ab initio study 119
Host–Guest Interactions and Orientation of Dyes in the One-Dimensional Channels of Zeolite L 118
First principles studies on boron sites in Zeolites 117
First-Principles Simulation of Absorption Bands of Fluorenone in Zeolite L 117
Properties of defect centres on nanothick silica layers: an ab initio investigation 114
Does the Abiotic Formation of Oligopeptides on TiO₂ Nanoparticles Require Special Catalytic Sites? Apparently Not 114
A density-functional approach to polarizable models: A Kim-Gordon response density interaction potential for molecular simulations 113
Unravelling the High-Pressure Behaviour of Dye-Zeolite L Hybrid Materials 110
Orientation and Order of Xanthene Dyes in the One-Dimensional Channels of Zeolite L: Bridging the Gap between Experimental Data and Molecular Behavior 109
The case of HCOOH on (101) anatase TiO2: where is the acid proton? 109
Intermolecular electronic excitation transfer in a confined space: A first-principles study. 108
Ab initio molecular dynamics studies of flavocytochrome b2 reduction 108
Disentangling protein–silica interactions 105
On the Role of Ti(IV) as a Lewis Acid in the Chemistry of Titanium Zeolites: Formation, Structure, Reactivity, and Aging of Ti-Peroxo Oxidizing Intermediates. A First Principles Study 104
Pressure-induced penetration of water-ethanol mixtures in all-silica ferrierite 103
A theoretica investigation on pressure-induced changes in the vibrational spectrum of zeolite bikitaite 99
L-Lactate dehydrogenation in flavocytochrome b(2) - A first principles molecular dynamics study 94
ImPACT – Impose Pressure and Change Technology: Pressure-induced organized nanostructures and shape-driven segregation in zeolites 94
TS-1 from First Principles 93
A LCAO-LDF study of Bronsted acids chemisorption on ZnO(0001) 91
Intracage chemistry: nitrite to nitrate oxidation via molecular oxygen 85
Precision molecular threading/dethreading 85
An integrated experimental and theoretical investigation on Cu(hfa)(2)center dot TMEDA: structure, bonding and reactivity 83
Dynamical disorder in hydroxo- and nitrite-sodalitecages investigated by first principles simulations 78
The determination of pepsin dimensions at different pH values: A simulation study 77
H2O-induced trigonal-to-tetrahedral transition in boron zeolites 77
" ImPACT”- FIRB futuro in ricerca: structural characterization of fluorenone-zeolite l host-guest complex 77
"impact”- firb futuro in ricerca: structural characterization of fluorenone-zeolite l host-guest complex 77
Intracage Chemistry in Zeolitic Systems: The Car-Parrinello Approach 76
CP2K: An electronic structure and molecular dynamics software package - Quickstep: Efficient and accurate electronic structure calculations 72
Engineering Au/MnO 2 hierarchical nanoarchitectures for ethanol electrochemical valorization 72
Ab initio molecular dynamics study of the Bronsted acid site in a gallium zeolite 71
High-silica mordenite as scaffold for phenylacetylene polymerization: In situ high pressure investigation 71
Loading influence on performances of Fluorenone/zeoliteL Light Harvester 68
Facile preparation of a cobalt diamine diketonate adduct as a potential vapor phase precursor for Co3O4films 67
Chemically Induced Mismatch of Rings and Stations in [3]Rotaxanes 66
A post-HF approach to the sunscreen octyl methoxycinnamate 65
The Early Steps of Molecule-to-Material Conversion in Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD): A Case Study 57
Steering polymer growth by molding nanochannels: 1,5-hexadiene polymerization in high silica mordenite 55
A versatile Fe(II) diketonate diamine adduct: Preparation, characterization and validation in the chemical vapor deposition of iron oxide nanomaterials 51
Zeolites Gismondine and Li-ABW under Pressure: Synchrotron XRPD and MD Simulations 46
Supramolecular organization of water–ethanol solution in ferrierite under pressure 46
Totale 12.807
Categoria #
all - tutte 52.363
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 52.363

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020932 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 303 232 155 78 164
2020/20212.130 48 168 51 151 130 172 125 174 236 342 178 355
2021/20221.226 222 201 102 48 48 55 66 61 45 145 114 119
2022/20231.294 127 55 81 126 121 293 61 165 177 31 31 26
2023/20242.319 345 349 387 438 483 124 31 23 71 25 10 33
2024/2025634 17 18 304 18 34 114 97 32 0 0 0 0
Totale 13.152